by Susan Denisi | Jan 1, 2024 | Plumbing System, Drain, Garbage Disposal, Leaks, Maintenance, Plumbing Practices, Water Heater, Water Pressure
As we ring in the New Year, it’s a great time for homeowners to think about their habits and set some resolutions to keep their plumbing system running smoothly. We all know that unexpected issues like high water bills or a broken water heater can be a real...
by Susan Denisi | Dec 15, 2023 | Sink, Drain, Drain Pipe, Drain Stopper, Faucet, Grabber Claw, Magnetic Telescoping Wand, P-trap, Pivot Rod Arm, Water
Have you ever experienced the unfortunate event of losing a beloved ring, precious jewelry, or any other significant item down the sink drain? If so, you understand the distressing nature of such an incident. Perhaps this is the reason you stumbled upon this blog...
by Susan Denisi | Aug 14, 2023 | Plumbing, Drain, Leaks, Maintenance History, Maintenance Records, Pipes, Plumbing Inspection, Plumbing System, Water Damage, Water Line, Water Pressure, Water Stain
Have you been searching for the next place to call home? If so, congratulations on starting your journey to buy a house! No matter if you’re a first-time or experienced home buyer, there are various essential factors to consider and steps to follow before...
by Susan Denisi | Jun 9, 2023 | Summer, Backup, Clog, Drain, Faucet, Kettering, Leaking, Ohio, Outdoor, Sewage, Sewer Line, Sink, Sprinkler, Toilet, Water Heater, Water Hose
Summer is a time for engaging in outdoor activities, going for a swim, spending time with family and friends, and going on a trip or two. We genuinely hope you have the best summer you’ve ever had. But don’t forget about your plumbing system in the...
by Susan Denisi | May 5, 2023 | Kettering, Clog, Drain, Float Cup, Ohio, Overflow, Plunger, Rubber Flapper, Tank, Tips and Tricks, Toilet Bowl, Water Damage, Water Source, Water Supply, Water Valve
Have you ever dealt with a clogged toilet right after using the bathroom? Chances are yes, as most of us have already experienced being in this situation. Although it’s a normal occurrence in the plumbing industry, it’s definitely not a pleasant one. So, what should...