Plumbing System, Drain, Garbage Disposal, Leaks, Maintenance, Plumbing Practices, Water Heater, Water Pressure

As we ring in the New Year, it’s a great time for homeowners to think about their habits and set some resolutions to keep their plumbing system running smoothly. We all know that unexpected issues like high water bills or a broken water heater can be a real pain. But don’t worry; there are a few simple things you can do to prevent these problems. Just make sure to fix any leaks right away, and be careful with your garbage disposal. By following these tips, you’ll keep your plumbing system working efficiently for years to come. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let the experts at Kettering Plumbing & Drain show you how it’s done! 

  1. Water Bill- One great way to stay ahead of potential plumbing problems is by keeping an eye on your water bill. If you notice a sudden increase in water usage without any changes in your household, it could mean there’s a leak or some other issue. By paying close attention to your bill, you can catch these problems early on and take care of them before they become bigger headaches. Plus, you’ll save money and avoid any unnecessary disruptions. 
  1. Leaks- If you want to kick off the year on the right foot, taking care of any leaks is a great idea. Leaving them unattended can lead to water wastage and indicate a bigger plumbing problem. Small issues can turn into big headaches if ignored. So, keep an eye out for leaks around sinks, outdoor fixtures, appliances, and toilet bases. If you’re dealing with any of these, make it a priority to address them as soon as possible.  
  1. Toilets- If you’ve noticed that your toilets are always running, this is something you’ll want to keep an eye out for. A running toilet can be considered a type of leak. But also, be on the lookout for any worn-out components of your toilet. If you find that any piece could be used as a replacement, it’s best to have it done as soon as possible to make sure it keeps working efficiently.  
  1. Drains Cleaners- It’s important to mention that most store-bought drain cleaners contain highly toxic chemicals. These substances can be harmful to both children and adults, and they can even cause damage to your pipes. No matter what your pipes are made of, those household drain cleaners you find in stores claiming to dissolve clogs can still harm your pipes. As a responsible homeowner, it’s best to steer clear of these cleaners and instead reach out to a professional plumbing company like Kettering Plumbing & Drain for those tough clogs. 
  1. Garbage Disposal- Another great tip is to dispose of food scraps and cooking substances properly. We all know about the importance of not pouring grease and oil down the drain, but to prevent further damage to your system, you’ll want to avoid tossing hard materials like bones, fruit pits, or fibrous foods like celery or banana peels down the drain. Instead, you can use a compost bin for these scraps. This way, you’re taking a responsible approach that keeps your plumbing system running smoothly and promotes a cleaner environment. 
  1. Drain Screens- To avoid clogs in your sink and shower drains, it’s a good idea to use drain screens. These handy devices do a great job of catching hair, food particles, and other debris, so you don’t have to deal with annoying blockages. Plus, if you clean the drain screens regularly, you’ll prevent any funky smells and keep the water flowing smoothly.  
  1. Water Heater- It’s a good idea to flush and drain your water heater at least once a year to get rid of any sediment buildup. This helps keep your water heater running efficiently and extends its lifespan. Oh, and don’t forget to regularly check and adjust the temperature setting. Setting it too high can lead to scalding while setting it too low might not give you enough hot water. Finding that sweet spot will not only save you money on energy bills but also ensure your water heater works like a charm! 
  1. Plumbing Maintenance- Just like how we go for regular check-ups with the doctor, it’s important to give our plumbing systems some regular attention, too. By getting a professional plumbing inspection at least once a year, you can catch any potential issues before they become bigger and more expensive problems. Plus, these inspections can help you identify areas where you might be wasting water or energy so you can find cost-effective solutions. Don’t worry; investing in routine plumbing inspections will keep your plumbing system healthy and functioning smoothly in the long run. 

To wrap things up, adding these eight habits to your routine can really boost the lifespan and performance of your plumbing system. It’s important to make preventive maintenance and mindful usage a top priority for a healthy plumbing setup. So, why not kickstart the New Year by committing to these simple yet effective resolutions? You’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a well-maintained plumbing system. Here’s to better plumbing habits in 2024! Cheers! 

We look forward to servicing your home’s plumbing in the new year! Call Kettering Plumbing & Drain today at (937) 764-3788, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!